Three Sisters
Built with GatsbyOnline store for handcrafted art and calligraphy, built with Gatsby and Netlify's CMS API using JWT authentication for the Admin interface (UI). It can be configured extensibly with real-time previews and seamless images using Uploadcare's CDN API.
Dyno Chat
Built with ReactAutomotive enthusiast discussion site with real-time chat, designed with Material UI and created with Node.js using Express and MongoDB. Client-side is made with React, Redux and axios to make HTTP requests to Server-side RESTful APIs.
Apex Apparel
Built with ReactE-commerce application for clothing and outerwear, built with React, Redux and payment processing using the Stripe checkout API. It uses E-mail or Google OAuth for customer authentication by integrating Firebase Auth Services, products are stored on Cloud Firestore.
Blue Post
Built with Next.jsClassified advertisements web app and marketplace, created with Next.js for server-side rendering (SSR) and Apollo GraphQL client. Backend is a Yoga server with a Prisma MySQL database self-hosted on docker. Users can message and leave reviews of interactions.
Built with GatsbyCoffee Shop and Bakery website that displays menus and products from Contentful's CMS API using Gatsby and GraphQL. It provides a clean Coffee Shop experience through Bootstrap responsive design and order processing with the Snipcart checkout API.
Built with GatsbyThis very website you're now browsing. I wanted something fast and with good SEO, so a static website generator like Gatsby seemed like the best fit. It reads data from markdown files, so it's super easy for me to keep adding Portfolio items as I keep developing stuff.